Well, Thursday I had my first haircut since April of 2022. I was really nervous going into it, but I finally had enough hair, and it was time to do it.
I went to the same lady who chopped my hair off before I started chemotherapy, so it really was a full circle. It's funny now, but when I first had my hair cut, I only got emotional when she began to shave my sides off, like in the picture on the top right of the collage. I hated this so much that Nick helped me shave it that next weekend (bottom left picture). When she cut my hair this time, my sides were cut short again. I didn't even care! I was surprised by how much hair was cut off during this first cut! I knew it needed to be done to help my hair grow in evenly.
I'm okay with this cut. Friday was the first time I went out of the house without a chemotherapy cap on since last April. I was very nervous doing my hair that morning and found myself getting emotional about it. I wasn't very confident about my natural hair color, and I just couldn't believe I was using my usual shampoo and conditioner, and putting product in my hair again. It has been 10 months! Walking into the school I worried about what people would say. They all noticed that I wasn't wearing a cap, and thankfully, they all complimented my hair. My students instantly knew something was different, and loved seeing my hair...they've never seen it! I even had a random 3rd grader in school, who I don't know, tell me he liked my hair!
This meant that I was now able to pack up my chemotherapy caps. I've had these two coat racks in my room since April, and found caps that I liked to wear each day.
Here is the wig I bought. I found out quickly that I didn't like wearing a wig. It was very tight on my head, and simply uncomfortable. I would only wear this when I had a job interview, so it served its purpose.
All packed up, including my lumpectomy pillow.
The coat racks are pretty empty now! I need to figure out what to do with these. We'll keep at least one in the house. Maybe the other will go into the basement.
I've been given a prescription for adult acne. It continues to get worse. The ridiculous part is that it will take up to THREE MONTHS for this to kick in! I'm really tired of cancer drugs, chemotherapy drugs, and now menopause screwing with my body. I didn't have acne like this when I was young, I shouldn't have to be dealing with it now!!
On January 31st it will be a year since I was diagnosed with breast cancer. Tomorrow is the anniversary of my first mammogram in the mobile unit at my doctor's office. I've said it before, but I can't stress the importance of NOT having your first mammogram done in a mobile unit. At the end they tell you they'll probably need you to go to the main hospital for better images anyway, so this is a pointless trip. It was at this second trip that I was diagnosed.
Looking back at this last year, it went by really fast. I can't believe it's almost been a year since this all started. It didn't feel like it was going fast in the middle of it, but you know what I mean! I look forward to my body continuing to heal from all the poison that was pumped into it.